I have been playing golf on and off since I was a kid. I wish I hadn’t taken time off from golf when I did but sometimes life gets in the way. There are lots of reasons to love golf. Some people love golf and think it’s the greatest game in the world. Below are the reasons I love it. I hope the post encourages you to check out golf, I bet you will love golf too.
Being outdoors and fresh air
Golf is a great reason to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. Golf is played when the weather is nice and the temperatures are high. There are other things you can do outdoors but playing golf at the same time makes it that much better.
There is just something about being on the first tee box early on a beautiful still, quiet morning looking down a green fairway anticipating your round of golf. Just smelling the grass and the early morning air.
Some golfers feel the best way to enjoy golfing is to walk the course while playing. Depending on point of view so feel the best way to play and feel the course is to walk. I personally enjoy walking when I play 9 holes but ride in a cart for 18. Plus it’s easier to carry your beer.
Spending time with Family and Friends

One of the things I enjoy most about golf is getting to play golf is spending time with friends or family. I have several friends that play and it’s always nice to get together and hit the little white ball around. Seems like everyone is busy these days so it’s nice to get together for 4 hours or so to play and chat between shots. Sometimes it’s the only way to get some one-on-one buddy time.
The absolute best thing about golf to me is playing with my kids. I can play completely horrible but just being able to enjoy the time with my kids is the best. My dream foursome is me and my three children. I have one daughter, the oldest and two boys. Both boys truly enjoy golf too and in the 20s are already beating my a lot of times. My daughter is starting to get into it but has only played a few times. I keep trying to encourage her play more.
Some people even enjoy having a beer or two while they play.
It’s a never ending quest to get better
No matter how good you get at golf you can always get better. Whether you’re trying to hit the ball a little further on your drives or trying to dial in those 100 yard and in shots or improve your putting there is always something to get better at. So many times I thought I had some part of my game figured out the next round sends me back to shaking my head.
Even the pro’s constantly are trying to improve.
You can play golf your whole life

Whether you are a kid or up there in age, you can still play gold against anyone else. The handicap (index) system makes it so a scratch golfer can play a 20 handicap. Even if you can walk 18 holes you can ride a cart to make it easier.
Another option is to only play 9 holes. If you don’t have a 4 hours to play, 9 holes should only take about 2 hours. If you still have a day job like me, 9 holes after work on a week day is a great way to play during the week. There is also the option of playing a par three course or and executive course is nice too.
So in conclusion, if you haven’t figured it out already, golf is the greatest game in the world. Its like the joke, what does golf and sex have in common? Both are enjoyable even if your not good at it. You can play if you’re young or old, good or bad, in great physical shape or not. Some people play while enjoying alcohol others only while sober. You can walk or ride, play 9 or 18 holes and even chose which type of course to play.
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